Dienstag, 18. September 2007

Trekking Trip Ban Lung

Once upon a time 2 Germans (Martina and me), 1 Austrian guy (Gex), 1 Tirolean (that looks so funny... - Berti) and a Dutch couple (Oli and Marte) decided to play Tarzan and Jane and have a real adventure for 3 days in the jungle. Our guide was a Khmer guy from the guesthouse and we also had a ranger who showed us the way.

Day 1

The first day we walked for about 5 hours and made breaks at 2 small rivers. Duriung the day we've seen some wild growing cucumbers... but that's been it with "wild animals". At the end of the day we arrived in our "camp" where we put up our hammocks, went for a swim, cocked rice with vegetables and drunk tiger wine.

We also put up a fishing net in order to have something for breakfast the next morning :)
During the night I really froze my ass off! I never ever expected it to get that cold in the dschungel! Unfortunatly I got a cold and I probably gonna take it home with me...

Day 2

After a restless night we got up the next morning and we actually caught a snake and some fish in our net! So we had bread with omlette, rice, fish and snake for breakfast! *yam*

Later on we walked to a Minority Village - our second over night stopp - where we've seen some really poor people. It was interesting to see how they life without electricity and what they do the whole day.

As soon as we arrived the whole village was around us. In SVAY life around 30 families. Each family has around 6 to 8 children... But actually, what else do you wanna do without television :)

In the evening we could chose our dinner. Pig or chicken. First we wanted to get a pig, but unfortunatly the owner was to drunk to sell the pig (another thing you do the whole day in a village... drink ricewine). So we got a chicken. And than we had to kill it in order to eat it... I didn't do it. I couldn't even look. But Oli was brave enough to cut the chicken's troat. They didn' just cut it off in one, the did it slowly because they wanted to get the blood.

So while the chicken got broiled over the fireplace we had a soup with the giblets and the blood. I just tried blood, a piece of the neck and lever.

Day 3

The last day - after 5 hours of walking - we arrived happy in our guesthouse and took a hot shower.

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