Sonntag, 17. Juni 2007

Crazy weekend

Oh my god... Unbelievable how much can happen during one weekend. And it wasn´t even Friday the 13th...

But let´s start from the beginning:
Friday evening at a mates place. Andre drove to a Chris place to pick him up. Chris lives on top of a small hill. Andre goes inside because they haven´t been ready. As they went outside, his car was gone. He didn´t use the handbreak and the gear didn´t fit propably. So his car rolled down the hill and hit a bench. The bench was deep-seated in concrete and he teared it out completely. First they coudln´t move the car, cause the bench was caught up under it... what a mess!!!

Later that evening the guys went to a flophouse (a bad "club") in our hometown. I didn´t join them because I was to lazy. Early in the morning I woke up to get ready for the wedding and I saw 5 missed calls on my mobile. So I called Andre back. He and another friend of mine got attacked on their way home. A car was driving by and hooted. The guys waved back because they thought, the now the people driving by. They stopped, turned around, pushed my mates in a garden, stole their money and told them to lay down for a minute otherwise they get a knive in their back...
He came back from the police at 9.30 am. We met at 10.45 to drive to the wedding...

The wedding... On Saturday an old friend of mine got married... I couldn´t believe it, not even as both of them said "yes". But they are great together and they looked fantastic. I´m sure that works!!!

The happy couple... Manuel and Tatjana

my mates

on the right side from the front:
Klaus, Nicole, Stefan
on the left side from the front:
Thorsten, Regina and Andre

I was so glad that I didn´t catch the bridal bouquet. Instead I won a cactus. I think it fits better to me! :)

Sonday morning... Klaus - another friend of mine who was at the wedding as well - woke up at 7 am with nosebleed. It didn´t stop for over half an hour so they drove to a hospital. They told them that they´re not in charge, he should go and see an ear, nose and throat-doctor. So they went home again, looked it up in the yellow pages and had to drive for nearly half an hour. By then his nose was bleeding for nearly three hours. He was completly pale-faced and had lost a lot of blood. The doc there helped him and he´s alright again...
But nosebleeding for 3 hours???? That´s not normal!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Well, uhm... I know women who are bleeding for 5 to 7 days without dying. That's freaky, isn't it?

Altough they only loss between 65ml and 200ml of blood during those days. And don't ask me who had measured this. Or how she did.

Ulli Down Under hat gesagt…

Thanks for that information.
So next time he´s bleeding his girlfriend should just tell him, that she´s doing it every month without dying...
So men shoudn´t behave so childish... It´s not a big deal to bleed for 3 hours... is it? ;)