Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

Being home again...

First of all - I wanted to write another post earlier after being home from my trip. I wanted to tell you some nice statistics about how many pictures I took and how many hours I actually spend in a plane. I still like that idea and I´ll post all this one day after I went through editing all my pictures.
But now I´m in the mood to write a bit about being home again...

Arriving in Stuttgart at 2° C was hard. Especially after I was spoiled in England with sunshine and nice autumn weather. Good luck it only lasted for a week and afterwards we had great temperatures for the next for weeks to slowly get used to the cold. Now it´s around zero, I´ve already seen the first snow, got my first two colds this winter, had quite a few mulled wines and it´s christmas time.
Time is running!
I really, really don´t want it to be Christmas. Cause as soon as Christmas is over, this whole year is over and then it´ll be ´10. Isn´t that crazy?

Besides that quite a bit of paperwork had to be done. I´ve finished my tax invoice, registrated my business to be able to work and earn some money again, sorted through a few of my pictures, registrated for my new - f***** expensive - health insurance and started working in my part time job. Besides that first job applications were written and first cancellations came back.
Right now I keep on working part time in my business and still apply for a "proper, normal, money-earning" job, hoping that I don´t have to write 50 or 60 or 70 applications to finally find one.

It was and still is great to see old friends again. Now I just realized how much I missed them and how important they are for me. Quite a few things changed while I´ve been away. There are new marriages to be announced, children to be born, new relationships established and of course nothing waited for me to happen. Being home after such a long time and see your friends being happy in their old relationships or being happy with someone new is great. But it makes you realize that even though you had a great time and met so many great people - you´re now back to normal and still alone. Now plans are made to move in together, marry, get children, build a home, ... and I´m tempted to make new plans for my next trip (and run away from all this?!?).
Being away and not to be confronted with the "real life" makes it possible to escape all this for a certain amount of time. But to come home again makes you realize that this isn´t an option. One can´t keep on travelling and enjoying life cause at a certain point in your life you´ll wake up and wonder what happend to all the people around you - and to you.

Now I try to build my own little "real life". A job, a new home, maybe new friends in a new city. And so it starts all again...

Freitag, 16. Oktober 2009

Ich bin wieder daaaaaaaa.... :)
Bald mehr, muss jetzt erstmal alles hier wieder auf die Reihe bekommen!

Home again....
More soon, have to get everything - and myself - organized first!

Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009

Southampton 11.-13.10.

Nachdem wir von Schottland zurueck waren haben wir beschlossen Thibault und Meryem in Southampton zu besuchen. Es wird wohl eine ganze Weile dauern, bis wir mal wieder am gleichen Ort sind. Um so mehr hat es mich gefreut, die beiden nochmal zu sehn!

Back from Scotland we decided to visit Thibault and Meryem in Southampton - cause nobody knows when the three of us gonna be at the same place at the same time again...


Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door

Schottland - Scotland 05.-09.10.09

Nach zwei Tagen in Glasgow bei Freunden von Adrian sind wir in die Highlands gefahren. Boah war das kalt!! Aber wunderschoen :)

After two days in Glasgow with Adrians friends we drove up to the Highlands. It was freeeeeeezing :) But beautiful

Kelvingrove Musuem und Art Gallerie - Kelvingrove Museum and Art gallery

Glasgow University!!

Falls of Falloch


Nevis Range Gondola

Glasgow University Field Station

Highland Cows

Bath 30.09.-04.10.09

Nach einem doch etwas anstrengenden Flug von New York nach London hat mich Adrian vom Flughafen abgeholt. Aufgrund mangelnden Schlafes und des schlimmsten Jetlegs bisher haben die naechsten zwei Tage dann mehr oder weniger so ausgesehn: schlafen, essen, schlafen, essen, schlaflose Nacht (und zwar bis 6 Uhr morgens, gaaaaanz boese!!!),schlafen, total verpeilt aufwachen, essen, schlafen :)
Als ich mich dann mehr oder weniger erholt hatte sind dann auch schon Meryem und Thibault vorbeigekommen und unsere Cairns Gruppe war fast komplett. Es ist schon komisch Leute, die man mit einem gewissen Land oder Ort verbindet, woanders wieder zu sehen. Aber ich habe mich unglaublich gefreut, dass wir es alle auf die Reihe gebracht haben uns in England zu treffen. Adrian ist 3 Wochen auf Heimaturlaub von Australien, Meryem ist jetzt fuer 3 Jahre in England und Thibault hat einen Zwischenstopp gemacht bevor es nach Aegypten geht...

After one of my most exhausting flights from New York to London Adrian picked me up from the airport. Cause I didn't sleep in the plane and cause of my terrible jetlag I basically slept the next two days through (and been awake during the nights...).
Finally Thibault and Meryem arrived and our group from Cairns was nearly complete. It was really weird to see all of them outside of Cairns cause on a trip like this, people kind of belong to the places you met them. I really, really enjoyed to see the three of them again and I'm so glad this worked out. Adrian is on a holiday home in England, cause he works in Australia the next two years, Meryem just started working in England and Thibault stopped by before he takes of to Egypt...

Roemisches Bad in Bath - Roman Bath in Bath :)

Come to Australia :)

Dienstag, 29. September 2009

as though no one is watching you,
as though you have never been hurt before,
as though no one can hear you,
as though heaven is on earth.


New York Part III 26.-29.09.

Kajaken auf dem Hudson River

Grand Central

Model Shooting on Times Square


Stuttgarter Treffen in New York
Ich hab meinen Augen ja nicht getraut, als mir Nico ueber Facebook geschrieben hat, dass er gerade in New York ist. Mein alter Mitbewohner aus Stuttgart, den ich seit ueber 3 Jahren nicht mehr gesehn habe, war dort gerade mit seinem Kumpel Flo auf Urlaub. Und so haben wir Samstag und Sonntag zusammen New York unsicher gemacht :)
Hat mich riiiesig gefreut, dich mal wieder zu sehn Nico! Und bis zum naechsten Mal dauert es keine 3 Jahre mehr!!

I really didn't trust my eyes as Nico wrote me on facebook, that he's in New York too. I haven't see my old roommate from Stuttgart in 3 years and now we met in New York!!! :) Nico and Flo have been on holidays together and so the three of us spend the last few days in New York together. It was great meeting you guys! Can't wait for the next time :))

Washington Square

Yankees Stadium 28.09.
New York Yankees - Kansas City Royals 8:2

Bilder Misch-Masch - Pic Mix